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Friday 14 May 2021

Learn about 5 such yogasanas that make the body healthy

Learn about 5 such yogasanas that make the body healthy

Fund of Peace of Mind: Walk 30 minutes in the greenery, 5 minutes of running and yoga will reduce depression, learn about 5 such yogasanas that make the body healthy

The author of the book ‘Your Next Big Thing: 10 Small Steps to Get Moving and Get Happy’, Dr. According to Ben Mickelis, the body and the brain are one and the same. When a man takes care of his essence he is working to improve the whole system of the body. According to scientists, these 3 activities every day can reduce the symptoms of depression in any person.

3 Scientific facts show that running, yoga and living with nature help to overcome depression.

1. Yoga: It relieves anger, panic and depression

According to research published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, all participants in the yoga class showed a reduction in symptoms of depression, anger and panic.

2. Walk in the natural environment - stress hormone decreases

According to research published in the Journal of Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, Japanese researchers sent some participants to the forest and some to the urban area. The researchers found that participants who walked in the woods for 20 minutes had significantly lower levels of stress hormones.

3. Running: A 5 minute run increases age

According to research published in the journal Health in 2014, men who run only 5 minutes a day live longer. According to Mickelis, running activates both the mood-improving neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. Paying attention to the brain while running has a greater effect.

Vinod Singh, a fitness expert from Jaipur, talks about 5 asanas for relieving depression, stress and anxiety ...

Downward facing door pose

Lie down on your stomach and breathe, lift your body with your legs and arms and make a table-like shape.

Slowly lift the hips upwards while exhaling. Make your elbows and knees erect. Keep in mind that the body should come in an inverted 'V' shape

Keep the shoulders and arms in a straight line and the legs in a hip line. The ankle will be on the outside.

Now press the hand down to the ground and try to stretch the neck. Your ears will continue to touch the inside of your hand

Stay in this position for a few seconds and then support the knees on the ground and return to the table-like position.

Setubandhasana (bridge pose)

Sleep on your back on a yoga mat and keep your arms close to your arms while keeping your breathing normal.

Now slowly- bend your legs at the knees and bring them near the hips. Raise the hips as high as possible from the floor. Let the hands stay on the ground.

Hold your breath for a while. Then exhale and come back to the ground, straighten the legs and relax.

Rest after resting for 10-15 seconds.

Shavasana (corps pose)

Lie down on your back and close your eyes. Separate both legs and leave the body relaxed. Keep the hands slightly away from the body and keep the palms open towards the sky

Gradually start paying attention to each part of the body. Start with the toes. While doing this, slow down your breathing.

Gradually you will begin to go into deeper meditation. Increase breathing speed in case of laziness or drowsiness. Never sleep at a time other than breathing.

Keep breathing slow. Your focus will be only on yourself and your body. After 10-12 minutes, your body will be completely relaxed.


Lie on your back and keep both your arms and legs straight. Now bend the legs towards the knees

Now take both your hands from behind and support your head on the ground.

Inhale and lift the weighted hips upwards on your feet

Lifting the weight on both arms, lift the shoulders upwards and slowly straighten your arms from the elbows.

Keep in mind that the distance between both legs and the distance between both hands should be the same

Then try to bring both your hands to both your legs and bring as many passes as possible.


Stand up straight and place both hands on the hips. Inhale and bend forward with the waist bent

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Slowly lift the hips up and start applying pressure to the upper thigh. Hold the back of the foot with your hand

Your feet should be parallel to each other. Your chest will keep touching your legs. Press the thighs inwards and keep the body steady with the heel burns.

Bend the head down and look between the legs. In this position stay still for 15-30 seconds. Squeeze the abdomen and lower limbs when you want to leave this position

Inhale and place hands on hips. Slowly lift up and stand up normally.

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