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Monday 8 March 2021

Online Education Daily Home LEarning Video 9 March std 1 to 12


 Online Education Daily Home LEarning Video 9 March std 1 to 12

The us of America entered the 21st century because the world’s sole superpower after the autumn of the Soviet Union in late 1991. Certainly tons of superlatives are often attributed to the U.S.: the third most populous country within the world with 327.7 million people; the foremost important economy;[1] the most powerful military, among others. The U.S. also has the second largest education system (China overtook the U.S. during this regard roughly around 2001), and it's the highest destination for globally mobile students.

at the very entrance level to a tutorial career.

Online education has not lived up to its potential, consistent with a replacement report, which said fully online course work contributes to socioeconomic and racial achievement gaps while failing to be cheaper than traditional courses.

The report aims to form a research-driven case discouraging federal policy makers from pulling back on consumer protections within the name of educational innovation.

Spiros Protopsaltis, an professor and director of the middle for Education Policy and Evaluation at Mason University, co-wrote the report with Sandy Baum, a fellow at the Urban Institute and professor emerita of economics at Skidmore College. Protopsaltis may be a former aide within the Obama administration's Department of Education and to Senate Democrats. Baum advised Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

"Online education has did not reduce costs and improve outcomes for college kids ," they wrote. "Faculty, academic leaders, the general public and employers still perceive online degrees less favorably than traditional degrees."

Protopsaltis and Baum’s broadside on online education includes attention on federal policy and is timed to influence discussions about changing regulations to encourage innovation in online and competency-based education, most notably the negotiated rule-making session the U.S. Department of Education began in the week .

The report said its review of the evidence demonstrated that:

Online education is that the fastest-growing segment of upper education and its growth is overrepresented within the for-profit sector;

Faculty and academic leaders, employers and therefore the general public are skeptical about the standard and value of online education, which they deem inferior to face-to-face education;

Students in online education, particularly underprepared and disadvantaged students, underperform and on the average experience poor outcomes;

Online education has did not improve affordability, frequently costs quite in-person alternatives and doesn't produce a positive return on investment;

Regular and substantive student-instructor interactivity may be a key determinant of quality in online education, resulting in improved student satisfaction, learning and outcomes.

The stakes are high, its co-authors conclude.

“There may be a real risk that both cost-cutting efforts and well-intentioned moves to expand access to education could lead on to greater numbers of disadvantaged students being relegated to cheap and ineffective online instruction, with detrimental results, both in terms of outcomes and student loan defaults,” they wrote.


The U.S. may be a large federal republic located in North America between Canada to the north and Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, and therefore the Caribbean to the south. Federalism may be a critical feature of yank government and politics. Compared with many countries in Europe, as an example , the U.S. features a weak federal and lacks a practice of vigorous government intervention.

There are 50 states and one administrative district , the District of Columbia or Washington, D.C., home of the nation’s capital. The last two states to be admitted to the Union (a moniker for the union of the states that forms the nation) are separated geographically from the others: Alaska shares a border with Canada and is otherwise surrounded by the Pacific and Arctic Oceans; and therefore the state of Hawaii consists of a gaggle of islands within the mid-Pacific Ocean. The remaining 48 states, all contiguous, are often collectively called the Continental us .


Additionally, the U.S. has several overseas territories, all located within the Caribbean and therefore the South Pacific Ocean. There are five main inhabited territories: Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands , Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands , and American Samoa . (There are numerous largely uninhabited islands that are U.S. territories also .) The official status of every territory and its relationship with the U.S. varies. generally , however, locals are U.S. citizens—with the exception of yank Samoa– and should freely visit and within the U.S. However, they are doing not choose general presidential elections (unless they move to at least one of the states or Washington, D.C.) and have only nonvoting representation in Congress. All territories have their own territorial governments and exercise a particular degree of autonomy. NOTE: This country profile largely focuses on the 50 states and therefore the District of Columbia, though many descriptions provided also apply to U.S. overseas territories.

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