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Monday 21 December 2020

STD 6 MATHS Unit test December Preparation video


 STD 6 MATHS Unit test December Preparation video

Vietnam has been slow to require up online teaching, but COVID-19 is a chance to review and strengthen online training capacity.


Economic and education developments

Vietnam features a population of nearly 100 million people. For the 30 years since the policy of Doi Moi [renovation], the country has introduced remarkable economic and political reforms. Between 2002 and 2018, GDP per capita increased by an element of two .7. Real GDP grew by about 7% in 2019, one among the fastest growth rates within the region. Vietnam recently joined the lower middle-income country group.

The higher education system has expanded rapidly, with the gross enrolment ratio increasing almost threefold between 1999 (10.6%) and 2016 (28.54%). With an enormous population, it's very likely that Vietnamese education will still boom within the next decades.

ધોરણ 6 ગણિત યુનીટ ટેસ્ટ તૈયારી વિડીયો-૧
ધોરણ 6 ગણિત યુનીટ ટેસ્ટ તૈયારી વિડીયો-૨

The Covid-19 pandemic has delivered to light the deep-rooted that society’s structural imbalances exist even within the digital world. the main issue with remote learning that students have univocally raised is that the problem of access to internet, electricity, and proper devices sort of a laptop, computer, or smartphone to access the content being made available. the govt has clearly ignored the economic status of scholars and has haunted an over-optimistic view on the supply of proper infrastructure with students.

ધોરણ 6 ગણિત એકમ કસોટી પ્રશ્નપત્ર અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો

 govt has clearly ignored the economic status of scholars and has haunted an over-optimistic view on the supply of proper infrastructure with students.


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